What Does The Word “Success” Mean To You?


..To attain meaningful success in this life and in the hereafter”.⠀

That is the phrase I decided to use to encapsulate the vision behind this project. The word “meaningful” is not to be overlooked as what we mean when we say or think of “success” determines the potency of that statement.⠀

What is your notion of success? Is it solely the Dunya-centric, materialistic notion of having certain looks, cars, jobs, houses etc or is it the Quran’ic notion of success, which does not necessarily exclude the “success” in the Dunya but allows one to attain the correct perspective. For if misaligned, you will work to attain whatever your notion of success is and ultimately lose.

“You will only be rewarded fully for all your good deeds on the Day of Resurrection, and [on that Day] whoever will be drawn away from Hell-fire, and admitted into Paradise, will indeed have triumphed.” [Al Imran 3: 185]

It sounds so obvious when expressed in such a way but, as humans, we all need reminders.

As a Muslim, which notion of success do you want to adopt and strive for? We have but a matter of moments here, so choose wisely

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