Studying in the laboratory of human beings

AsalaamuAlaykum – a thought came to me the other day and it was this:

Take two people who work in the same office for a period of two years. Let’s call them “Alif” and “Baa”. Alif spends his day like everyone else, he comes to work, chats with his colleagues now and then about the usual topics that rarely delve beyond a superficial level, and goes home.

Baa, however, is a deeper thinker. He has disciplined himself – with the help of a natural curiosity – to always think at least one thread deeper when observing human interaction or engaging in it. He thinks about the psychology behind interactions or cognitive biases at play. So much so that Baa is often asked why he “analyzes” so much or thinks so deeply.

Nonetheless, after the two year period passes, who do you think, Alif or Baa, excluding other factors but the above, will have developed a greater level of wisdom, insight and emotional intelligence to carry further?

The above may sound a little strange but the point is: Think one thought deeper, and cumulatively, over time, it will surely make a difference in what you learn and extract from everyday situations and interactions

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