“Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice….


Our Prophet, peace be upon him said, “The believer does not hurl insults, or curse, or uses vulgarities or coarse language” [al – Bukhari]

Focus on improving your argument; how you deliver it; learn the various psychological tools which research suggests increase persuasion; improve on embodying that which you speak of so that the tangible benefits of adopting your view are clearly visible to those you interact with over a reasonable amount of time (especially relevant in Dawah related causes), and, question your intention behind making the point in the first place. Question the likelihood of bringing about a positive change given the medium you are using to express your point. For example, if an adversarial approach is taken, will winning the argument even bring about a change?

Are you trying to encourage good? Are you trying to bring an improvement in someone, a community, an idea or a process?

Or, are you simply making yourself feel more educated or enlightened or using it as a means of feeding your ego in some other way?

That much is within your control. Whether or not the person you are conversing with agrees with you is not.

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