Daniel Haqiqatjou on Debating, Controlling Emotions, Muslim Skeptic, Tasawwuf, Hijrah & more

image of daniel haqiqatjou

Daniel Haqiqatjou on Muslim Skeptic, Debating, Controlling Emotions, Tasawwuf, Hijrah & more Ustadh Daniel joined me for the second time to discuss a variety of topics starting from the developments in his work over the last two years, debating effectively, managing emotions, the power of social stigma, apostasy laws, hijab, importance of tasawuf, hijrah and more.

As many of you know I have benefitted immensely from Ustadh Daniel Haqiqatjou and have followed his work since 2014. I was also a student with Alasna and will look to rejoin in the future. I have no affiliate relationship with his work but fully endorse it.

In a recent podcast episode, we were joined by Ustad Daniel, a prominent figure in the Muslim community and the founder of Muslim Skeptic. We discussed the importance of engaging in debates, emotional control, and understanding key principles in Islam. This post summarizes the key points from our insightful conversation.

Muslim Skeptic: Combating Modernism and Promoting Islam

Since our last interview, Muslim Skeptic has made significant progress in its mission to combat modernism and promote Islam online. The platform emphasizes accountability and aims to challenge misconceptions within the Muslim community through high-quality video content. One such series, “Genius of Islam,” establishes a formal argument for Islam’s superiority while addressing the contentious aspects of different religions.

Fostering Engagement in Religious Debates

Ustad Daniel emphasizes the importance of creating spaces where people can seek answers to intellectual or difficult questions. He believes that engaging in religious debates with different groups is crucial for fostering understanding and dialogue.

Emotional Control and Effective Debating

Debating involves confronting sensitive and important topics that often require emotional investment. However, maintaining emotional control during a debate is essential for effectiveness and controlling the conversation’s optics. Ustad Daniel suggests using simple, effective language and avoiding overly nuanced points for clarity.

Staying on Topic and Handling Dishonest Tactics

Developing the skill to keep the audience on topic is vital for debaters. They should not allow opponents to derail the conversation with red herrings or by changing subjects. Being aware of dishonest tactics, such as deflecting or avoiding the topic, is crucial for a successful debate.

Enforcing Islamic Values: Laws, Stigmas, and Double Standards

Ustad Daniel argues that enforcing Islamic values through laws and social stigmas is justified. He points out that many societies have similar practices to encourage adherence to their values. However, he notes a double standard in liberalism, which stigmatizes opposition to its values but criticizes Islamic values’ enforcement.

The Role of Social Stigma and Fear of Allah in Upholding Islamic Values

Social stigma plays a more significant role in enforcing Islamic values than the police force, according to Ustad Daniel. He adds that Islam protects people from social problems that arise when God is removed from the equation.

Purifying the Heart and Controlling Nafs: Essential Practices for Muslims

For Muslims, purifying the heart and controlling the nafs (ego) are critical. Ustad Daniel warns that neglecting tesawaf (spiritual self-purification) can be detrimental, especially for public speakers or leaders. He also acknowledges that while Hijra (migration) may be feasible for some Muslims living in Western countries, it is not always necessary. However, it is essential to protect oneself and one’s family from negative influences.


00:00 Preview & Introduction
03:40 Developments in Dawah over last 2 years
13:30 Dealing with severe criticism
16:15 Benefits of Debating
21:30 Daniel’s first debate and advice on debating
28:20 Advice on being stoic and debating tactics
34:10 Power of an opening statement
38:30 Building a confident Muslim frame
41:40 How DH would tackle Piers Morgan & Apostasy
45:25 The Power of social stigma to preserve Deen
56:30 Pakistan
58:30 DH on Imam al Ghazali and Tasawwuf
1:03:30 Hijrah


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UCWdkdpfxKpfi6aGT8hwFXtA
Muslim Skeptic Website: https://muslimskeptic.com/
Learn how to defend Islam: https://www.alasna.org/
Telegram: https://t.me/haqiqatjou
Ustadh is back on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Haqiqatjou

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