#20 DISAGREEING RESPECTFULLY & HONESTLY vs calling people “Wahabi” – A Message for Leaders/Teachers

*Apologies for the bad audio quality – will be improved in future in sha Allah – recorded [August 2019]

As a community, we need to move beyond disagreeing in an intellectually dishonest or childish way. Let’s first learn the foundational principles of the Deen, in order to know what has been deemed to be even worth arguing about and then let’s look for the “Steel Man” argument instead of the Straw Man.

In order to understand an alternative view, we should seek out the strongest (Steel Man) argument supporting that view. This will enhance our own understanding and avoid childish mischaracterizations. Then, irrespective of whether we understand it or not, there’s the obvious point about maintaining manners and exercising Husn adhann (having a good opinion) in relation to others. A podcast on how to practically do this will follow in sha Allah.

– A few clarifications in light of some respectful feedback: –

1) Undoubtedly there are some issues of differences that have to be highlighted and called out to prevent people from becoming “misguided” and to preserve the religion. In this video, as I mention, I am referring to the “average Joe” fiqhi minor points of difference.

– 2) I make reference to Indo-Pak Imams mainly due to having a greater experience in their presence relative to Imams from other regions of the World. The issues mentioned are human problems, they “plague the ummah” as stated. Perhaps more pronounced in certain cultures but I do not have the anthropological evidence (I don’t think you will find a study comparing Imams from different parts of the World) so my reference is anecdotal.

– 3) Those who use terms such as “wahabi” are often perceived to belong to a certain group. Again, there are many such terms used by many different groups on any side. This was just used as somewhat of a comedic example. If I was to even begin to go through more of them just to make it appear that I am not highlighting only one particular side…I would be part of the problem.

Dear viewers, if this content makes you think, you find it beneficial or it improves your deen and life in any way, as a favor, I ask that you make dua for the success of this project. It’s small at present and just myself but I have a vision for it alhamdulillah.

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