#17 Attaining balance in life – learning from the REVEALING self-talk of an 11th Century Islamic Scholar, Ibn Jawzi

We sometimes make the mistake of thinking that the great Muslims of the past had it different, they didn’t have our challenges right?


This can lead to a defeatist attitude that is unlikely to help you succeed. This revealing quote from Ibn Jawzi reveals the mechanics of his amazing mind as he beautifully wrestles with the idea of attaining some form of balance in life in what resembles a journal or diary entry. He speaks of attaining wealth and being independent of rulers whilst also excelling in his personal Deeni objectives as well as studying, writing and teaching the people. He speaks of his desire to marry and buy things but how this can conflict with his studies and time spent in solitude.


This also counters the notion that I have seen vocalized by some who state that the books of the great scholars only depict their “ideal” self and therefore was not representative of their day to day – an idea deeply troubling to sincere Muslims.

A link to the book from which I took the quote: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Way-Spiritual-Muslim-Spirituality-al-Ghaz%C4%81l%C4%AB/dp/1791704964

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