#14 How to take yourself to account and reduce sins by using a daily journal practice (Muhaasabah)

This podcast briefly covers how we can increase our self-awareness, identify weaknesses in our faith and actions by using a daily practice of self-reflection or self-inventory (muhaasabah).

This is a life-changing practice that a Muslim should engage in to continually improve themselves. For example, you may note one day that spending time in a certain place or with certain people affects your deen negatively. You can then “tie your camel” by taking action. You engage in monitoring yourself and strive.

“O you who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for tomorrow, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what you do”

[al-Hashr 59:18].

There is a famous report from ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that speaks of it:

Take stock of yourselves before you are brought to account; weigh yourselves before you are weighed, for that will make the Reckoning easier for you tomorrow, if you take stock of yourselves today and prepare yourselves for the great presentation on the Day when you will be be brought to Judgement, and not a secret of yours will be hidden.

Mention me in your duas if you found this to be of use.


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