#3 Your (Mental) Diet & How It Can Affect Your Deen

Your (Mental) Diet & How It Can Affect Your Deen – Optimized Muslim Podcast Episode 003

Essentially the message behind the podcast/video is that what you expose your senses to or what you feed your mind can have a powerful impact on your relationship with your Deen. You might say, “Everyone knows that” – but do we actually know this to the extent that it affects how we conduct our lives?

In this podcast, I try to express the point in a way which may well resonate, as it did with me when I thought about it this way. Please share if you benefit.

Email: Aadil@optimizedmuslim.com


link to Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caAGwDMvIME&list=WL&index=5&t=0s

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